References a lookup table that matches the contact's email address to a record.
Recored provided by client, containing data on product purchased, image, name, description, date of purchase.
Uses record to generate an expiration date of 14 days from send of email for the promotion featured for shipping.
Logic Example 1:
Utilizes a FOR loop to generate an array of upto 5 items to be displayed.
var maximumValue = number of items
if maximumValue > 5 then
set maximumValue = 5
This ends the loop
Logic Example 2:
for i = 1 to maximumValue
set product = display based on recored
set image = image based on record
set URL of Product Image = URL based on record"
set Name of Product = Name based on record
set Date of Purchase = Date based on record
set URL of Product for Review = URL based on record
Logic Example 3:
The record provided included multiple images per product, and a default image needed to be determined.
var defaultImage = default(image based on record,"image named default")
if defaultImage != 0 then
set defaultImage = default(image based on record, image [0] in array)