UA dynamic responsive Email Mobile and Desktop with suggested products

References a lookup table that matches the contact's email address to a record.
References the record to determine contact's country and language preference.
References the record to determine if email is for store type and closest location.

References a 3rd party product feed through an API that matches the contact's email address to a record to generate suggested products, images, product names, product descriptions, and contact specific URLs based on shopping behavior.
3 produts displayed in desktop, 4 products displayed in mobile. If no suggestions are available, this area collapses and is not shown to the contact.

multiple versions of the email driven by country and language.
A defualt version is used based on 1 data point of 3.

13 Countries and 4 languages

  • Logic Example 1:
  • if the Country = "UK" and language = "English" then
  • use the version = "UK-English"
  • elseif the Country = "UK" and language = "blank or Null" then
  • use the version = "UK-English"
  • elseif the Country = "France" and language = "French" then
  • use the version = "France-French"
  • elseif the Country = "France" and language = "blank or Null" then
  • use the version = "France-French"
  • elseif the Country = "France" and language = "English" then
  • use the version = "France-English"
  • Images, CTAs, URLs, copy, tracking codes, secondary and tertiary stories are all dynamically populated based on a series or rules written for each Country, Language, and store type.

  • Logic Example 2:
  • if the Country = "France" and language = "French" then
  • set subject line = "Maintenant que vous avez votre article entre les mains, faites-nous savoir ce que vous en pensez."
  • set tracking code = "|tracking|France-French|"
  • set preheader = "Faites-nous part de votre opinion maintenant"
  • set currency = "Euro"
  • set url_1 = concat("")
  • set url_2 = concat("")
  • set url_3 = concat("")
  • set url_4 = concat("")
  • elseif the Country = "France" and language = "English" then
  • set subject line = "You Got Your Gear. Now Let Us Know What You Think."
  • set tracking Code = "|tracking|France-English|"
  • setpreheader = "Tell Us What You Think – Write A Review Now"
  • set currency = "Euro"
  • set url_1 = concat("")
  • set url_2 = concat("")
  • set url_3 = concat("")
  • set url_4 = concat("")
  • Logic Example 3:
  • If suggested items are present then
  • Set suggested Product Name 1 = "Performance Henley"
  • Set suggested Product Description 1 = "Men's long Sleeve"
  • Set suggested_URL1 = CONCAT_specific URL ("")
  • Set suggested Product Name 2 = "Performance Henley"
  • Set suggested Product Description 2 = "Men's long Sleeve"
  • Set suggested URL2 = CONCAT_specific URL ("")
  • Set suggested Product Name 3 = "Performance Henley"
  • Set suggested Product Description 3 = "Men's long Sleeve"
  • Set suggested URL3 = CONCAT_specific URL ("")
  • *Mobile display only*
  • Set suggested Product Name 4 = "Performance Henley"
  • Set suggested Product Description 4 = "Men's long Sleeve"
  • Set suggested URL4 = CONCAT_specific URL ("")